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Posts tagged ‘Adams Park’

Todd + Cindy: Family

We’ve known Todd and Cindy for almost a decade, and from the very beginning their family has been an incredible blessing to us. Todd is one of our pastors at our church and a true shepherd. He’s also a great father, good friend, and fast runner. We’ve even enjoyed some great marathons together!

Cindy is a patient, calm, and wise mother who is raising two wonderful daughters. This past winter, with great joy and anticipation, they welcomed a son into their family who was born in the Philippines. I was honored when they asked me to capture some photos of their expanded family and we had a great morning together.

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Janlee + Zach: Engagement

If I could quit my day job…I’d be a photographer. I did an engagement shoot last night for our house guest, Janlee, and her fiancé, Zach, and I had a blast. They have both become wonderful friends to our family and we’re sad to think Janlee is going to move out in a few weeks. Good news for her is that she’ll be married to a great guy.

We’re grateful to be invited to their wedding and our whole family is looking forward to the event. I’ve been observing and practicing because I’m also going to shoot their wedding along with another photographer. Exciting and sobering. Gulp!

Here’s more of Zach and Janlee.